Yearly Archives - 2016

Avoid Spam Part 1 – Disposable E-Mail Addresses

How many times have you been offered something FREE whilst searching the internet in return for your e-mail address? You may have been offered a FREE eBook, PDF or document template. Then, a few days later, you find yourself bombarded with emails from the site you provided your e-mail address to. You try to unsubscribe - some genuine sites will remove you from their mailing list after you have obtained their free download, whilst others ignore your request or even...

First4IT Solutions – New website launch

This posting marks a 'major milestone' for me and hopefully the start of an exciting journey. Choosing an appropriate headline such an important and personal post that conveyed how important today was for me, was always going to be a tall order. In the end, my inspiration came from a scene from the movie 'Love Actually'.Rowan Atkinson, acting as a shop assistant, holding a bag, asks Alan Rickman "Would you like it gift wrapped Sir?". On hearing Alan's retort of "I...